Welcome aboard

The great success that Fokker achieved with its F27 model encouraged the Dutch manufacturer to go one step further. In this way, in Apr1962 the new project was announced: The F28 Fellowship.
On the occasion of the 57th anniversary of the prototype´s first flight, -May 9, 1967-, we glad to invite you to the launch of this new Blog fokkerfellowship28.blogspot.com, dedicated absolutely to the Fellowship.
We invite all those who are passionate about this small Dutch colossus to share their experiences, photographs, or information in this space. The site is under development, and we hope all readers will like it.
Welcome aboard

Gonzalo Carballo, Esteban Lerín & Carlos Abella

F-28 Mk. 4000

The design of the Mark 4000 followed closely that of the Mark 6000. The dish airline Linjeflyg wanted a larger aircraft than its Mark 1000s, Sith more capacity than the 2000 but without the leading edge slats of the 5000 (it had no need for extra take-off performance).

Dimensions: The Mark 4000 has the same stretch as the Mk.2000, giving an overall length of 97 ft 1in but wingspan is increased by 4ft 11 inches to 82 ft 3in.

Powerplant: The Mk. 4000 can be powered by the 9,900lb thrust Rolls-Royce Spey 555-15H or-15P.

Performance: The MTOW of the Mk.4000 is 70,988lb (later 73,000lb), whilst MLW is 64,000lb and OEW is 38,683lb. Standard fuel capacity (in wing tanks only) totals 2,573 US gal whilst the optional centre tank increases capacity to 3,445 US gal. The Mk.4000 typically has a range of up to 1,000nm with a field length required of 5,710ft.

Cabin: The Mk. 4000 featured a cabin reconfiguration and two additional overwing emergency exits which increased seating to a maximum of 85 at 29in seat pitch.

Timetable: The Mark 4000 made its first flight on October 20th 1976 and was certificated on December 13th, the same day as Linjeflyg took delivery of the first example. The Mark 4000 proved to be the best selling of the F28 family, with 112 delivered. Production continued until 1987, with fnal Mk.4000 delivery (and last F.28) taking place on August 7th, the Fokker 100, the stretched F.28 development, replacing it on the Production line. At January 1st 1993 some 107 Mk.4000s remain in service.

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