Welcome aboard

The great success that Fokker achieved with its F27 model encouraged the Dutch manufacturer to go one step further. In this way, in Apr1962 the new project was announced: The F28 Fellowship.
On the occasion of the 57th anniversary of the prototype´s first flight, -May 9, 1967-, we glad to invite you to the launch of this new Blog fokkerfellowship28.blogspot.com, dedicated absolutely to the Fellowship.
We invite all those who are passionate about this small Dutch colossus to share their experiences, photographs, or information in this space. The site is under development, and we hope all readers will like it.
Welcome aboard

Gonzalo Carballo, Esteban Lerín & Carlos Abella

F-28 Mk. 5000 & 6000

F.28 Mark 5000 Description

Proposal which combined the Mk.1000's fuselage with the Mk.6000's slats, longer wings and uprated engines but was never built.

F.28 Mark 6000 Description

In 1971 Fokker began to study an improved take-off performance versions of the F.28. The prototype, in its Mark 2000 form, was modified by the addition of leading edge slats over the whole wingspan, fitting of uprated 9,900lb thrust Spey Mk.555-15Hs and some structural modifications to increase MTOW to 70,800lb. The new variant, designated Mark 6000, flew on December 15th 1972 and was certificated on October 30th 1975.

Performance: The Mark 6000 could carry 70 passengers over 880nm from airfields only 4,300ft long. However the version did not prove to be a success, with the Mark 4000 being more popular. Only two were delivered to Air Mauritanie in 1983, having been built in 1975. Both aircraft remained in service at January 1993.

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