Welcome aboard

The great success that Fokker achieved with its F27 model encouraged the Dutch manufacturer to go one step further. In this way, in Apr1962 the new project was announced: The F28 Fellowship.
On the occasion of the 57th anniversary of the prototype´s first flight, -May 9, 1967-, we glad to invite you to the launch of this new Blog fokkerfellowship28.blogspot.com, dedicated absolutely to the Fellowship.
We invite all those who are passionate about this small Dutch colossus to share their experiences, photographs, or information in this space. The site is under development, and we hope all readers will like it.
Welcome aboard

Gonzalo Carballo, Esteban Lerín & Carlos Abella

F-28 Mk. 1000

The original F-28 designated the Mark 1000 is an aircraft sightly smaller than the BAC One Eleven and Douglas DC-9 Series 10.

Dimensions: Overall length is 89ft 11 in whilst the fuselage, which is of circular section and light alloy construction, is 80ft 7in long. Wingspan is 77ft 4in.

Flying Surfaces: The F.28's high lift wing with relatively thick airfoils has Fowler double slotted flaps plus allerons and lift dumpers. Other than the Mk 6000, the aircraft is not equipped with leading edge high lift devices. The F.28 has a T-tall and at the rear of the fuselage a set of "petal" airbrakes which open in a petal fashion.

Powerplant: All versions of the F.28 are powered by two rear mounted Rolls-Royce Spey Mk.555-15 turbofans, which on the Mk 1/2000 are rated at 9,750b thrust each.

Performance: The Mark 1000 was designed to carry 65 passengers over 500nm ranges with short field length, good unprepared airstrip performance and with minimum direct operating costs. The aircraft was certificated at MTOW of 62,000lb and MLW 54,000lb. These were later increased to 65,000lb and 59,000lb respectively which enabled an increase in range to 1,000nm. Standard fuel is in wing tanks only, totalling 2,573 US gal.

Flightdeck: The flight deck is designed for two crew operation and has conventional instrumentation.

Cabin: The cabin length is 43ft and maximum internal width is 10ft 1in allowing five abreast seating. Standard seating in the cabin is for 65 at 30in seat pitch, the maximum is 70 at 29in seat pitch. Passenger entry is by a forward door with integral airstair.

Undercarriage: The F.28 is equipped with tricycle landing gear which consists of twin wheels on each unit.

F-28 Mk. 1000 Cargo Aircraft: In November 1973 the F.28 Mark 1000C was unveiled. These featured p98in by 73.5in upward opening cargo door installed aft of the forward passenger door, to give a quick change passenger to cargo capability.

Timetable: The F.28 Mark 1000 first flew on May 9th 1967 and entered service with LTU on March 30th 1969. A total of 100 F.28 Mark 1000s were built, 98 of which were delivered to customers (including four mark 1000Cs) and two prototypes were later converted to other Marks, before being withdrawn and never delivered. The final delivery was made on February 25th 1977 and at January 1st 1993 some 81 Mk 1000s remain in service, including seven 1000Cs.

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